Monday, June 14, 2010

Neglecting something, but what?

I have been neglecting my blog. I know it, and I’m feeling bad about it. I know I have a few followers, and I hope that you aren’t disappointed when you look for a new post for a week and don’t see one. But mostly I feel like I’m neglecting myself.

Right after I write a difficult post, it takes me a few days to be ready to write again. And when I have the makings of a complicated or emotionally loaded topic in my mind, it may take a few days to get it together. Both of these happened last week. The bladder stories was a hard one to write – not for the writing, but for the thinking and emotions with it. Likewise I have been thinking a lot about parenting, but somehow I haven’t been able to write that post. And so nothing else has come out either.

I am also way overdue on 3 long letters I want to write, so had told myself to do those first, because I keep putting them lowest on my priority list. I have to move them up the list, which means other writing goes down lower. One of them is a letter to my father, because of Father’s day coming up. Talk about an emotionally laden exercise. I have just today realized that even if I mailed that letter today, he wouldn’t get it by Father’s day – I don’t know where he is. I assume the letter would be forwarded from his last address, but they only do that for 6 months, right? Last address I had was from last October. It’s possible that the letter would come back.

Plus, I have been socially rather busy, and today I have a head cold and haven’t done a thing that involves brain cells – till this minute. I hope I feel better tomorrow. It’s just a cold, nothing serious.

So, I’ve had a perfect storm of conflicts, resulting in a massive case of inertia. Tough disability topic cooking (parenting), coinciding with other writing projects (letters), including a really emotionally laden on (to my father) which takes me back to parenting! No wonder I’m sick! Well, Jim is sick too, so it’s not psychosomatic. Oh well.

Today was the day my new wheelchair was supposed to arrive. No one called, so I have no idea if it did or not. They never called me back on Friday to say if the brakes were there or on the way. My suspicion is that the brakes never got ordered, but they don’t want to tell me that. I just didn’t feel like dealing with it today, but tomorrow I plan to call and ask some questions. Even if the brakes aren’t there, I’d like to go look at it, make sure everything is right.

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